Become A Volunteer

When you give your time, energy and skills to AAF-SD, you’re paid back in spades. (New networking opportunities, new personal and professional friendships… you know, the kind of stuff that can help your career and your peace of mind.)

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Why You’ll Dig It

Volunteering with AAF-SD doesn’t mean giving ALL your time. You can volunteer at a time that fits your schedule. You’ll be introduced to local industry leaders, develop great references and maybe even expand your horizons with new career paths. It’s up to you!

Image of a young person sitting in a chair.

Why Your Boss Should Dig It

Volunteering creates leaders. You’ll be practicing good teamwork and goal setting skills – not to mention how working with a committee can teach you even more about planning, implement, budgeting and even supervising. All that experience translates to a better you on your day job.

Interested in volunteering?
Get involved!